Posts Categorized: Smile Makeover

Ready for a Smile Makeover?

You’ve seen all of those wonderful makeovers on talk shows or other television spectacles. Perhaps you’ve even witnessed friends and acquaintances on social media physically transform before your eyes. There are many ways to change the way you look cosmetically. One way that is sometimes a bit more “under the radar” but nevertheless leads to… Read more »

The Importance of Smile Makeovers

Modern dental technology can be a real gift to people who are unhappy with their teeth. No matter what your past efforts of dental hygiene, your genetic predispositions, or injuries you’ve incurred, Dr. Brent A. Engelberg can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Start With Healing and Restoration

Your Choice of Cosmetic Dental Procedures

While there’s certainly more to you than your teeth, those pearly whites are what people first notice when you smile. If your grin is not confident and attractive, it will likely catch the eye others in a negative way. Fortunately, cosmetic dental procedures help deal with dental issues which cause you to feel self-conscious about… Read more »

Q & A on Cosmetic Dentistry

Smiling with confidence can offer you a much enhanced quality of life. If your instinct is to cover up a smile that is flawed to the point of cosmetic distraction, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are many procedures available that can fix a multitude of smile issues. If you have multiple complaints about your grin,… Read more »