Schaumburg Cosmetic Dentist Examines Asian Tradition of Teeth Blackening

Black TeethThe cultural norm for smile aesthetics in America revolves around the whitest and brightest teeth possible. This may be because we revere youth and vitality, and our teeth are whitest when we’re young. We are also inundated with artificially white smiles through media images, and accept that this is what is attractive. Is it the same in other cultures? Not all of them. Schaumburg cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg, will speak about historical Asian traditions for women to blacken their teeth that still exist to this day.

Teeth Blackening in Japanese History

It is thought to have first started many years ago in Japan. For women to blacken the teeth meant a higher degree of sex appeal. Furthermore, those who blackened teeth as a practice had a higher likelihood of keeping their (more…)

Dental Implant FAQs Answered by Evanston Cosmetic Dentist

Older Couple CuddlingWhen you see someone smile and they’re missing teeth, what impression does it give you? Often times there are factors involved that they can’t help, yet it’s still a natural thing to make a judgment of someone that is missing teeth. So if you were the one to lose one or several of your permanent teeth, it would be only natural for you to want to replace them as quickly as possible. One of the best means for restoring a smile with missing teeth is dental implants. Your Evanston cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brent Engelberg, would like to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding dental implants.

Dental Implant FAQs

Q1. What gives dental implants an advantage over dentures? (more…)

Skokie Cosmetic Dentist Presents a Patient Testimonial

claudia2Dr. Brent Engelberg’s passion for providing patients with their dream smiles is evident. Just ask Claudia, a success story at our office who was unhappy with her upper teeth. She wanted to be sure that when she chose a cosmetic dentist, they would be one that could provide her with high-quality results that would last. Claudia appreciated the warmth and kindness of our entire dental staff. Read on to learn the details of her dental work from  Skokie cosmetic dentist, Dr. Engelberg.

 Searching for the Right Fit

Claudia is a resident of Elk Grove, Illinois. She had received dental work in the past that left her unsatisfied with the way her upper teeth appeared. Her goals were function, aesthetics, and quality. She hoped to combine her cosmetic dental needs with restorative work that would have her teeth functioning and looking great. Dr. Engelberg suggested laser gum reshaping, porcelain dental crowns, a bonded post and core (inside a root canal tooth) a three-unit porcelain bridge, and a mouth appliance to deal with teeth grinding (bruxism).

A Bridge Over Troubled Dental Water (more…)

Libertyville Cosmetic Dentist Questions a Life of Halitosis

BadBreathYour quality of life can be fine even if you have problems with your physical appearance. All you need to do is except yourself and not worry about what others think. Okay, perhaps that’s easier said than done, which is why there are doctors and dentists out there that you can turn to for cosmetic assistance.

Sometimes the thing that is making you feel bad about yourself isn’t visual or auditory, but rather has to do with the way you smell. Unpleasant odors emanating from someone’s person will be sure to set up the wrong impression to people you come in contact with. Halitosis is a good example of how offensive smells can lower your quality of life because of embarrassing interactions with others who cannot hide the fact that they don’t want to stand too close to you. Your Libertyville cosmetic dentist, Dr. Engelberg, will talk about uncovering underlying dental issues to halt chronic bad breath.

Why Halitosis?

Bad breath can result from a number of causes. Certain pungent foods (onions and garlic, for example) can give (more…)