Posts Categorized: Gum Contouring

Get Gums in Shape for the Summer

Do you have flabby gums? This probably isn’t a familiar term to you. Gums aren’t something that most people know a whole lot about. When go in for a dental cleaning, you may hear your dentist or dental hygienist spouting numerical data as they examine your mouth. What does it mean? They’re not taking inventory,… Read more »

Don’t Allow your “Smile Frame” to Recede

Gum recession is a dental issue that can occur naturally with time, or as a result of periodontal disease. Symptoms might include toothache pain, loose teeth, and the appearance that your teeth are longer as the gum tissue literally shrinks away. This leads to a cosmetically displeasing frame for what should be your beautiful, impression-making… Read more »

Avoid the Recession…of Gum Tissue

Gum recession is a dental issue which you’re likely to notice yourself when it occurs, and if not, your dentist will at your six month checkup. Though gradual recession of gum tissues is a normal part of aging, severe periodontal disease or fragile gum tissues can lead to much more severe and rapid receding that… Read more »